My heart is swollen...
My dreams broken...
He took me up
to bring me down...
He made me laugh,
He made me cry...
He thought he loved me,
but that was just one more
of his many confusions...
He showed me life...
But gave me death...
He offered an open door,
which he soon enough closed...
He made me belive we'd be okay,
while he always knew we wouldn't!
Why did he use me?
Why did he play those games?
Why did he make me say all the things I felt?
Why didn't I notice this?
Why was I so darn stupid?
Why did I ever let myself do such a stupid thing?
What did I get out of this, a broken heart?
Why did you do this to me?
Why didn't you think of me, my feelings?
Why, oh why did you hurt me in this way?
"LOVE is only a four letter word...if it really does mean something..then why do some people take it for granted and not mean it?..and if the word LOVE is real..then why can some people say it every other person they meet?"~taken out of an anonymous, written for a friend~
" The ironic thing is I feel the very same way"...
The thing is I feel guilty for I don't know what reason at all.
wow mich do you feel like that,because you have a really good thing going for you, you write beautiful things, you can inspire anyone. you rock
Thanx for the comment!!!
Thanx for the moral support!
~love ya!~
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