Friday, December 02, 2005

What does it mean?

Haven't you ever asked yourselves what things really mean?
I have! Right now something wierd is going on in my life, and all of my friends are trying to fix me up with this guy! Well, they are trying to fix me up with the guy I liked, but the thing is I am not interested in him anymore, just cuz! The whole dilema started when my friend told him I liked him. The next day he was sitting next to me in luch and we talked for a while. The next day I ignored him and he was always "THERE" werever I was there he was also. He even told me something stupid to start a conversation! I just dont wanna get my hopes up to find that he isn't interested! COMPLICATED ! I know!So what does he really mean? Oh well, to hell with it all... I rather wait for my real love to come to me!

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